Designing for Efficiency

When we first started our company, it was our plan to design products for the manufacturing side of the tissue industry but soon our attention shifted to an often overlooked and maligned critical supply, reconstructive prosthetics. The first time a reconstruction was observed we knew that a better product could be designed to work for the technician all while reducing the cost by using new materials and less labor-intensive manufacturing processes.

Using our years of experience in industrial design and the medical field we were able to build new types of prosthetics from the ground up. We started with wood prosthetics that are cut from plywood using a computer-controlled router which reduces cost and allows for almost every square inch of the material to be used, reducing the amount of waste that ends up in a landfill. Next, we introduced plant based 3-d printed prosthetics that are cremation friendly, biodegradable and even recyclable, not to mention easier to use for the technician and funeral home.

We are quite proud of our prosthetics and would love the opportunity to show off their benefits and earn your business.